Sunday, December 31, 2006


Raya, Jacob & Taylor...all looking at the camera at the same time...that will never happen again.

Small, Medium & Jacob would say

Grandma Time

Playing with Grandma is the greatest.

12-27-06 Fishing Trip

The results of Ray and Dustin's fishing trip.


Raya is having fun with Grandpa...
but it would be more fun to get ahold of that hair on his face.

Christmas Evening 2006


Christmas 2006

Raya can't wait to tear into her presents.
Jacob is still working on getting all of his presents opened.
Daddy and Raya needed a break.
Great needed some cuddle time with her "princess"

Raya's First Big Girl Bath


Wilson Christmas Party 12-21-06

Jacob seemed to like what he got from the greedy gift game.
Raya loves hanging out with her Grandpa.
Nikki, Brayden, Tyler, Lydia, Raya, Jacob & Taylor
Jacob & Taylor
Lydia & Raya

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Grandpa Great always has to check me out to see
how big I've gotten in the last week.Just the 3 of us. We were making faces at each other and now for the camera. I think he likes me. What do you think?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Daddy got to feed me my first bite. Yes, those are peas Aunt Christie.
Now it's big brother's turn.
Mom got a turn too. We only got a picture of her arm though. Now I'm OVER it!!

The shirt says it all...

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Universal Studios 12-6-06

Jacob, Aunt Christie and Tommy smiling for a picture.
Mom, Jacob and Raya sit down for a picture.
The whole group poses for a picture along with the
Stegosaurus in the background.Raya thinks these theme park days are great.
Tommy and Raya have it made.

Universal Studios Trip 12-6-06

Jacob is living his dream watching a dinosaur hatch.
Now the Jurassic Park scientist is helping him scan dinosaur
eggs to see what kind of dinosaur is in each egg.
Jacob & Aunt Christie are flying with the dinosaurs.
Don't be fooled by our innocent looks...

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

I'm having so much fun with all of these great toys.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

I'm too little to fold my own clothes Mom.
I'm over folding clothes, find me a toy.
Jacob is showing me how my new toy works.