"No No Raya, you can't eat the plant" Can I touch the curio cabinet? Shhhhh...don't tell Grandma Yeah!!! It's sooooo much fun thinking I'm getting away with something I know I'm not supposed to do :-)
Taylor seems to like his birthday present from Uncle Ray, Aunt Kary, Jacob, & Raya. This would have been a good picture if we were both looking at the same camera :-) Not sure what's with these eyes. Mr. Serious
Raya had to get her hat "just perfect" I guess this is her idea of "perfect". She seems to like the gangster look :-). There go the high chair decorations
Taylor does NOT like the idea of a party hat FINE! I'll leave it on, but I WON'T like it!! What are we waiting for? Let's get this party started! Here comes the cake :-) Are you SURE nobody is going to tell me "no" if I put my hands in this cake?
This looks like it could be fun. Tast test...It must have been good, cause she kept going... YUM!!! This was so fake...she just wanted us to think she was really gonna go for it. Raya ate her cake so neatly (like a little bird) that she didn't even need her bib. Taylor's testing out ice cream... WOW!! That's cold!!! Great is sharing her ice cream This is such a cool plate. Thanks Uncle Dustin & Aunt Caroline. Thanks for my car too. Mom will put pictures of me driving it on here after we get back home.
Give me my present back!! Thanks for the GREAT outfit Aunt Linda & Uncle Wayne. We love the colors!! Princess dishes...how appropriate This bowl is going to be lots of fun to throw when it's full of cereal and milk.
4 Generations
Grandma's Girl Grandma & her Florida girls Grandma & her Florida girl Grandma & her Florida babies
Hmmm...Taylor left his toy here...he won't know if I play on it just a little... This is so much fun Jacob is helping me I think I'll get off now Almost all the way off all by myself...
Taylor worked hard to get Raya's bloomers off of his head. That was a mean trick mommy. Taylor doesn't like his own sippy cup, but when he can take Raya's away from her he's very proud of himself :-)